
Muscle Comfort

Experience the soothing power of Peppermint, Lemongrass, Ginger and Camphor for natural pain relief. Muscle Comfort was specifically formulated with a blend of natural ingredients known for their pain-relieving properties. Muscle Comfort is the ideal solution for those seeking effective relief from muscle pain and discomfort.

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  • Muscle Comfort Worked When Nothing Else Would!

    A customer was suffering from shoulder pain resulting in limited range of motion. Muscle Comfort was massaged into her shoulder and within minutes she was able to lift her arm higher than she has been able to for a long time! Customer had sent us a video testimonial with tears in her eyes.

  • Muscle Comfort Saved My Day!

    "Over the weekend, I painted my living room! My body and hands were sooo achey like a rock! With your balm, I am much better today!! Otherwise will be sooo stiff at work!!"

    -Ling, Singapore

  • Helped Bring The Swelling Down

    "I had a fall while speed blading and my chin swelled up and bruised. I have been using the balm and it really helped bring the swelling down."

    -Jill O.

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